8312. Angular - Components 2
Angular Components

Learn more advanced knowledge of components.

1. More Components

1.1 Data Flowing Downwards

Data should flow downwards from higher-level components to lower-level components.

1.2 Events Flowing Upwards

Parent components need to have code that responds to things happening (events) on child components. Events should flow upwards, emitted upwards from lower-level components and responded to by higher-level components.

1.3 Emitting Output through @Output( )

export class CarComponent {
  @Input('theCar') car: ICar;
  @Output() carDelete = new EventEmitter();

  delete(car: ICar){

2. Template Reference Variables

A template reference variable is a reference to one or more elements within a template. You can use the ref- prefix instead of #.

<h1 #title></h1>
The title is {{title.innerHTML}}
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit  {
  @ViewChild('title') title: ElementRef;
    this.title.nativeElement.innerHTML = 'app works differently!'


<p #paragraph1>hello, world</p>
<p #paragraph2>Good morning</p>
<p *ngIf="note">{{note}}</p>
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit{
  @ViewChildren('paragraph1, paragraph2') paragraphs;
  note: string = '';
    setTimeout(_ => this.note = 'Number of Paragraphs:' +

3. NgContent and Transclusion

  • ContentChild
  • ContentChildren

4. Component Class Lifecycle

4.1 Constructor vs. OnInit

The OnInit lifecycle method is fired when the component is first initialized. We mostly use ngOnInit for initialization/declaration and avoid work in the constructor. the constructor should only be used to initialize class members but shouldn’t do actual “work”.

import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
export class Users implements OnInit{

    user_list: Array<any>;

    constructor(private _userService: UserService){

        this._userService.getUsersFromService().subscribe(users =>  this.user_list = users);


@ViewChildren("username") inputUserName;
ngAfterViewInit() {

4.2 Interfaces

To hook into a lifecycle method, your component’s class should implement the required interface. The interface will then force you to implement the corresponding method.

Interfaces and Methods

Interface Method Description
OnChanges ngOnChanges Called when an input or output binding value changes
OnInit ngOnInit After the first ngOnChanges
DoCheck ngDoCheck Developer’s custom change detection
AfterContentInit ngAfterContentInit After component content initialized
AfterContentChecked ngAfterContentChecked After every check of component content
AfterViewInit ngAfterViewInit After component’s view(s) are initialized
AfterViewChecked ngAfterViewChecked After every check of a component’s view(s)
OnDestroy ngOnDestroy Just before the directive is destroyed

5. References